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Nap Time!!!

Friday, September 03, 2004

Two BNP's for the Daily Cal

The Daily Cal mentions "free speech" in the title of their editorial about how requiring a student group fee to use OSL is bad, which earns double credit on the "that's so stupid" scale. Note how the newspaper only puts this editorial out after the issue has been resolved. Excellent work!

Also, jeers to Aby Vanterpool for bitching about the term "Asian Ghetto," which she explains by: "I bet some Klan member came up with the title because he was uncomfortable with seeing a large selection of ethnic dishes, and ignorant, sheepish students have carried the horrible nickname for 25 years!" I bet you're wrong. The term is mostly used by Asians who have a sense of humor. Is the term 25 years old? Does anyone know the history of the term? Seems like it's a newer term. Anyway, it's a common usage in Berkeley, so shut the hell up. What's so offensive about it? What's so ignorant about it? "Students are supposed to be enlightened." What kind of crap is that? Are you enlightened? Your claim is backed up with an "I bet that..." statement.

posted by Beetle Aurora Drake 9/03/2004 01:24:00 PM #
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