Well, have fun It looks like The Angry Clam has indeed retired, after a successful few years as blogger. He certainly was the most famous of the Cal Bloggers, although he discovered the hard way that blogging is a product of free time, and law school certainly doesn't encourage it. The Clam was the one who inspired me to begin blogging, interestingly enough. I, on the other hand, have too much free time, which leads to the other problem with blogging. If you live an interesting enough life to have lots of stuff to blog about, you just don't have time to blog about it, and if you have time to blog, it's because you don't live an interesting enough life to have anything to blog about. That said, I'll probably be closing up shop soon, too, as I seem to have run out of a point for this blog. It began as a place to tell jokes, became a place to whine about protesters, became a place to whine about newspapers, and then became... uh... well, whatever it is, now. No one seems to have the same sense of humor I do, though, so I think it's time to break free of the "Cal Blogsphere" and enter the "Uh... you know... stuff blogsphere." posted by Beetle Aurora Drake 4/18/2004 12:30:00 AM # Comments (0) . . .