Wednesday, April 07, 2004
Real Cheese
I've already mentioned Student Action's stupid slogan ("Giving Students What They Deserve" or some such). Next up is CalSERVE: "Real People. Real Issues."
While it's reassuring that CalSERVE is indeed made up of real people, and not just imagination figments, or robots programmed to behave like humans, or maybe shapeshifting aliens trying to usurp the election, I think Student Action can make that claim, too.
How real are the issues? Issues are ideas, so thinking about them actually makes them real. Worrying about being overrun by evil bunnies is not a real issue, but once you actually start worrying about it, it becomes a real issue.
So CalSERVE's slogan is trivially true, but hardly unique to CalSERVE. Student Action's is impossible. Which is better? We report, you decide. Or maybe you'll decide based on the candidates themselves. That'd be new.
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