Tuesday, April 06, 2004
It's BUE time
It's time for "Beetle's Uninformed Endorsements" for the ASUC, based on Daily Cal articles, party literature, and vague rumors. I'll be paralleling the DC on these:
For External Affairs Veep:
General: As David Duman has pointed out at another time, though it doesn't come through all that clearly in the article, is that while External Affairs Veeps can boast sending lobbyists to the legislature, holding conferences on things, and other such things, they can't boast convincing legislators to do anything, accomplishing things at their conferences, and other such things. Add to that my feelings that the ASUC should only be worrying about students on campus, and I conclude that the best External Affairs Veep is the one that does nothing at all.
BUE: David Duman
I'll probably be endorsing straight-ticket Squelch on principle, but Duman comes off as actually caring a bit.
In second comes Liz Hall, because she's the hottest of the remaining three candidates. (not by much, though) As far as plans to actually accomplish things, she is planning on wasting a lot of money in the government, but so is the competition.
Next comes Pammy O'Leary. She's an RA, and I had a bad experience with my RA (The Millenium Falcone), so summary point-deductions for RAs seem entirely appropriate. She's thinking a bit more locally, with a plan which may accomplish something: "Cal's List," where folks can post their housing needs and ASUC will do something or other to help. It's a bit light on detail, though, so don't hold your breath. She also plans to decrease sexual harassment, which is a serious negative for most of us males. (and females, admittedly)
Finally, as is traditional, Josie Hyman, of DAAP, earns last place. Everything's wrong with this person, right down to her last name. (I voted against Kris for the same reason) "Hyman believes the external affairs office should lobby on behalf of the campus’s progressive students." Umm... how about the rest of us? Anyway, I can't find a picture (i.e. I haven't looked for a picture) of Hyman, but not even her looks can save her from a last-place finish on my ballot. Sexual favors might, though.
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