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Nap Time!!!

Friday, April 09, 2004

He's back!

The Daily Cal is making fun of Ronald Cruz. "A perennial candidate for executive office..."

The Student Advocate Office does things, I think. Probably advocates for students. It's always the funniest segment of the election, though Dave Madan may ruin that trend this year by actaully being a pretty good candidate.

BUE: Dave Madan

Because he's the only reasonable candidate.

Then comes Zein Obagi, Jr., whose parents apparently thought one "Zein" wasn't enough for this world. He wants to add lawyers to the advocate process. That'll be great. More lawsuits means more fee increases, you know.

Next is Kevin. My thumb is pretty weak. Still, Kevin's voting Madan as things stand now.

Finally comes the DAAPer, of course. "Nine years of being involved in a 'New Civil Rights Movement'" is nothing to be proud of. More years should be spent in "pursuing a career."

"He would combat the proposed changes in the Student Code of Conduct by holding a rally in front of California Hall, where the offices of the campus’ senior administration is housed." You know, the length of a term is a year. That's going to have to be one long rally.

posted by Beetle Aurora Drake 4/09/2004 10:17:00 AM #
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