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Nap Time!!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Beetle's Musical Korner

Korner starts with a c.

Today: The Beatles! You may have heard of this half-dead band, and you may even have heard of loads and loads of praise heaped upon this band. I am here to tell you: Don't buy the hype. Their music isn't really all that good.

"What do you know?" you might say. "The Beatles were the first band of their kind, and had a huge influence on music."

I don't disagree. But if being influential makes your productions good, then you're going to piss off a lot of Jews when I make a Hitler reference. (The reference is that Hitler was influential, too, if you didn't catch on)

As far as being the first of their kind, this should really count against their music. Whenever something's done for the first time, it's almost invariably done poorly. Go find a 20-year-old computer if you want to see what I mean. Further refinements are always necessary.

As far as the music itself goes, some of it comes from the same mind which brought you "5 minutes of naaa naa naa nanananaaaa" and the rest came from a guy who managed to get himself killed by his own fan. If that's quality, I'd hate to see what crap is.

Moving on, though, to a related situation, Nirvana's music is also not very good. I'll admit, Kurt could whine with the best of them, but if I want to hear whining I'll go to a political rally. The arguments for Nirvana's greatness are even stranger. They "brought that kind of music to the mainstream" hardly seems like a plus for a culture which frowns heavily on the "mainstream." (It is mainstream to bash the mainstream, after all) Further, since the bands that Nirvana spawned are almost always crapped upon by Nirvana fans, you'd have to count "creating a bunch of crappy bands" in the minus column, too. Kurt didn't even need a loony fan to kill himself.

posted by Beetle Aurora Drake 1/13/2004 06:36:00 PM #
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