Sunday, December 07, 2003
So sue me
GradAss wants to sue. If they don't win in negotiations, out come the lawyers.
First, a prediction: GA is going to get every one of their demands. Not out of any righteousness or justification, but just because the university has no real motivation to stop them.
Second, "Stupid things Jessica Quindel says":
"If you limit what someone can spend money on, you are limiting free speech." Yet you seem to support the concept of taxation. How do you feel about campaign finance reform?
"As a student government, we are not a social club." Wow. Looks like GA spokesfolk don't have enough words to go around, eh, Mo?
"We are there to be political." Actually, you are there to shut up whining students who want things. Perhaps you are there to represent students' interests, both politically and non-politically. If you think your role is merely that of being political, you've got one hell of a narrow view of student government.
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