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Nap Time!!!

Tuesday, December 02, 2003

Slow news ahead

So the big news is, of course,
the dead guy. I didn't know him, nor did I ever experience him in any fashion, so there's not a whole lot for me to say.

But here's something you'll not see every day: The University's opinion on the strikes. The university rarely publishes its position on anything, so to see them make a case in The Daily Cal should raise alarm bells for the pro-union folks.

It does look pretty grim for the union on the negotiating side of things. It's kind of hard to argue that sympathy strikes aren't strikes. And I don't see what the union wants them for. Are they really willing to sacrifice students for the ability to make pointless political statements? They expect us to back them up? And a neutral ground for grievances? The union doesn't even want anything, what do they need neutral ground for? The academic senate is far from anti-grad student, anyway.

Curiosly, in "Students weigh in on upcoming GSI strike," note how the two critics of the strike are seniors, and the supporter is a freshman. Someone hasn't been here long enough to actually notice what is being said instead of just hearing the word "strike" and thinking "They're being oppressed!"

“I think it’s smart because they are going to strike during a very important week, which puts more pressure on the administration.”

Pressure on administration: none

Pressure on students trying to secure a future for themselves: slightly more than none

Good work, lads. (Although using "lads" is probably inaccurate. This kind of whining: "Oh, why won't you listen to me?" "Fine, what do you want" "Oh, nothing, I just want to make you suffer" is a lot more womanly than anything else.)

posted by Beetle Aurora Drake 12/02/2003 07:06:00 PM #
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