Tuesday, November 25, 2003
Don't stop laughing yet
Just when we thought ASUC incompetence was going to stop providing us with a steady stream of laughter, Mike Davis once again doesn't let us down and freezes the $31,000 for No on 54 folks right after the Chancellor gives it the okay. The Chancellor isn't stepping in on this one, though. He's off the hook, and it's now an internal issue.
Seeing Jessica Quindel pissed off never gets old. Keep up the good work, folks.
But maybe the university isn't off the hook. From the Daily Planet:
[University counsel Michael] Smith acknowledged that the university’s legal reasoning would make funding a political campaign illegal whether funds came from mandated student fees or business operations.
“The emphasis is on compulsory fees because of recent lawsuits from students [opposing their fee money spent on issues they oppose], but the bottom line principle would apply to any university money, not just compulsory fees.”
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