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Nap Time!!!

Monday, September 15, 2003

Big Mac

That's what
Mehammed Mack is going to be serving unless he changes his attitude. Mack spits out a brand new "find a villain in every normal" column, this time at the Career Fair.

However, he's not content to simply demonize everyone by looks alone. No, he's off to cause problems and make enemies:

"What's your position on Bechtel's role in monopolizing the Iraq reconstruction contracts?" The Bechtel woman looks at me as she would an insubordinate cat, and says: "that's not my department."

People need jobs. That's the way it works. "I wonder how the students kissing up to these people can be so unaware of simple ethical business practices." Such as... not getting a job? Is that the ethical thing to do, in Mack's little fantasy world? Or maybe they should all become college professors! Stick your head out of your humanities shell, Mack. Not everyone is content to sit around and complain for a living. Some people actually feel better when they're doing something productive.

Then again I almost see their eyes roll back in their slot machine heads to reveal rising dollar signs. To reinforce this financial immorality, the students are literally dressed to kill—like a Benetton catalogue with the peace and justice thrown out.

Grow up, Mack. Not everyone looking towards their future is an amoral money-hoarder. Who are you to judge? What gives your moral attitudes more force than anyone else's?

posted by Beetle Aurora Drake 9/15/2003 12:10:00 AM #
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