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Nap Time!!!

Friday, August 01, 2003

Oh, why not

Well, it's a slow news summer, and the Beetle Beat needs a theme, so look out, Georgy fans, welcome to the newish and improvedish GEORGYWATCH. After about a week of receiving nearly all of my hits from people looking for a few interesting tidbits on Georgy Russell, serious gubernatorial candidate/thong saleswoman, I've decided to devote my whole blogging time (five minutes or so a day) to monitoring, observing, and otherwise poking fun at the Georgy Russell for Governor campaign. Stay tuned, folks! We've got two months 'till election time, and that'll mean two months of fun here, if Georgy goes the distance.

To my Berkeley readers.... Well, sorry. Not much is happening in the news, anyway.

posted by Beetle Aurora Drake 8/01/2003 03:19:00 PM #
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