Holy Crap, do I say Holy Crap a lot Great news, everyone! I'm purple! This concludes the test of the emergency boredcast system. Three years later, I can honestly say that coming to Cal has changed me in ways I could never fathom before. Such as, for instance, increasing my fathoming abilities. Here are some of the great things that Berkeley put inside the heart of your not even close to humble narrator: 1. Appreciation of weather. Hail, thunderstorms, snow, ice... beautiful things. 2. Wider horizons for humor. Rape jokes, gay jokes, death jokes... it's all tolerable here at Berkeley. 3. Discovery that pot is not even close to a harmless drug. 4. Hatred of foreigners. It wasn't until I really met them that I felt comfortable despising them. Diversity builds something, but it sure as hell isn't tolerance. posted by Beetle Aurora Drake 8/20/2003 09:40:00 PM # Comments (0) . . .