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Nap Time!!!

Monday, August 18, 2003

I'm that Georgy Watch guy! Finally, the recognition I deserve. (That is a marvelous picture on georgyrussell.net. I may vote for her after all)

Well, it's been a fun ride, but now that we've dropped down to page 3 or 4 of the google search, the slack has been half-taken up by others, and Georgy Russell isn't saying a whole lot, the fun is more or less over. Add in the minor details that, as was the case on day 1, I really have nothing to say, and that the university's fall semester is about to begin, I think it's about time to return to my normal blogging duties on my beloved Beetle Beat, with its mediocre topics, it's mediocre grammar, and its mediocer spelling. Stay tuned, though... this may not be the last hit-getting scam I participate in.

I went ahead and transferred my posts from Beat of Beetle, so I can kill the site comfortably. Sigh loudly, my Berkeley readers! Your savory savior is back!

I tip my hat to you, Georgy Russell, it's been fun. I wish you the best you could possibly hope for (i.e. low numbers of stalkers).

posted by Beetle Aurora Drake 8/18/2003 10:37:00 AM #
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