Sunday, July 13, 2003
I googled the name of my favorite person in the world (me), and came across this curiosity. One of my Daily Cal letters has been hijacked! While it's flattering that someone would want to hijack my letter, I'm disappointed that the folks over at the Media Awareness Project (MAP) can't actually distinguish between a pro-them letter and an anti-them letter. My letter, which calls into question the dedication of Berkeley progs to freedom, is almost certainly anti-them, not pro-them.
My problem is not that I've been misinterpreted, but that I was considered a member of the MAP (there is no disclaimer anywhere seperating the opinions of MAP from those of the writers of the letters). Hence, my name has been hijacked as a supporter of MAP's agenda. This just doesn't fly well with me. I have contacted the people at MAP and asked for an explanation.
(By the way, not that it matters, but for those of you curious, MAP is a drug-decriminalization group)
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