Reflections in a pool of honey These past few months have really given me time to look around and smell the roses. I didn't actually do that with the time I had, because roses are kind of expensive and my nose is always congested so I can't smell anything anyway. But metaphorically speaking, I did smell the roses, and here are some of the things I discovered. 1. I like numbered lists. 2. Politics has its place, and that is as far away from me as possible. 3. I have my place, and that is as far away from food as possible. 4. Food has its place, but always seems to end up in my gastrointestinal tract. 5. There's more to life than just proving you're better than everyone else. You have to prove that you're also better than any hypothetical "ideal" person anyone might think of. 6. Seriously, though, the numbers don't mean anything in this list. Here, I'll show you. G. It is not my fault that I fail to use proper English. It's all English's fault. H. If I'm not an alien, how do you explain the fact that I'm not from Mars? 1001. Having devoured both my feet, I should never again find myself with my foot in my mouth. 1010. Where have all the flowers gone? I don't smell any... 1011. I'm so cool that even ice freezes when I touch it. Dozen. How do you sell a car with no brakes? Baker's Dozen. You advertise it as having "unstoppable power." posted by Beetle Aurora Drake 6/20/2003 10:47:00 AM # Comments (0) . . .