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Nap Time!!!

Thursday, June 26, 2003


More powerful than Chancellor Berdahl.
Clearer than a Maxwell Yim column.
More popular than the Berkeleyan.
Cooler than summer classes.
Healthier than Fat Slice.
Funnier than the Daily Cal's classified ads.

It's the Beetle Beat! We're ready to tackle the big issues like:

State quarter designs.
High school crushes on guys in the military.
School-specific vending machine panels.

Answering questions like:

Where do babies come from?
Watcha' gonna' do when they come for you?
Should gay people get to vote?

Like the phoenix, we arise from the ashes. Actually, we're more like some guy who was sleeping in his fire-proof basement when his house burnt down arising from the ashes. From our use of the gender-neutral 'she' to using a girly template for a manly blog like this one, we're challenging the status quo and the English language in general. On the plate for this month: Discussing whether airborne pollen is a biological weapon in the war between humanity and Earth, destroying the planet Venus, and last but certainly not least, prizegiving! Prizes up for grabs right now:

Free something reasonable but not requiring too much effort for the first person to justify my posting my AIM screenname on this website.

Another free reasonable, low-effort prize for the first person who finds the beetle eating the orange cheese somewhere on this website or one of its links.

A last low-cost, low-reason, low-time consuming prize for the person who successfully guesses how many paperclips make up an average piece of jewlery.

Welcome back, returning readers, welcome not back, new readers, and you're not welcome, everyone else.

posted by Beetle Aurora Drake 6/26/2003 11:07:00 AM #
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